Jovan Group SARL is a company providing IT services and IT training, specializing in digital infrastructure and electronic security. Founded in 2019 by the passion for technology and entrepreneurship to meet the needs and challenges of today's society.
We ensure the upgrading of the skills of information technology specialists in digital infrastructure, help companies in the digital transformation and in the optimization of their technological costs while ensuring the security of their economic and family activities.
Our know-how and our skills are based on a design office, our field skills, qualified, experienced and motivated staff.
Whatever the problems of our customers, JOVAN GROUP supports them, identifies all their needs and offers them a personalized solution that meets their expectations.
Whether it is to complete, optimize or build an IT network architecture or even electronic security, JOVAN GROUP is the ideal partner for its customers. We provide them with the most optimal hardware solutions. Our all-inclusive solutions ensure that their IT assets are constantly operational and we provide them with all the security necessary to keep their IT performing well.
Every month, we upgrade the skills of nearly 50 IT specialists. We offer seminars, training courses and training for students, IT and Security professionals in inter-company or intra-company, on catalog or tailor-made.
In our wider range of solutions, we have implemented a program of continuing and practical training for students and updating and updating IT infrastructure professionals. We have also set up a technical and material support program for universities and higher institutions with IT fields for student practice.
We are therefore an IT service provider specializing in Digital Infrastructure and Electronic Security for businesses and Information Technology (IT) Training for Students and IT Professionals.
A technological and innovative company which aims at the digital transformation of companies and the digital culture of individuals by implementing digital solutions / services and products in different sectors, based in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Having observed the evolution of digital today with all the challenges associated with it, Jovan Group wants to become a major partner by implementing digital solutions and tailor-made offers to support its partners.
Making life easier thanks to technology! The digital transformation of companies and the rise in skills of students and IT professionals. Generate sustained and sustainable growth by being a reference for our target customers.
Imagine, design and develop digital solutions improving the efficiency of organizations in different sectors and strengthening the capacities of young students and IT Professionals in continuing and practical training, updating them and updating them with new skills and trends in the current market employment to increase their employability.
General administrator
General administrator
General manager
General manager
Administrative and Financial Director
Administrative and Financial Director
Communication & Marketing Officer
Communication & Marketing Officer
The absence or failure of technologies often has a more negative impact than their presence, as our world has (become) digital and we expect technology to work, transparently and to ensure continuity of services, Most time.
It is when technology is lacking that we realize its absence. For example, when you have to wait at the toll booth to pay in cash because no automatic terminal has been installed on this portion of the motorway; or when you have to go to the town hall to retrieve a document that should have been available online; or when one is attacked at home by bandits as is the case recently in Lubumbashi how to call in a security team discreetly for his survival, ...
It is for all these reasons that companies must migrate and adopt innovative ways of working based on technological advances that simplify the lives of their employees and their customers. For a company, it is about evolving in depth thanks to digital tools and adopting new technologies (and potentially a new culture) in order to replace or improve the old ones but also to ensure the transfer of knowledge. professionals and users.
The digital transformation of companies and the rise in skills of students and IT professionals. Generate sustained and sustainable growth by being a reference for our target customers.
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